A History of Blog Banters
Originally the brainchild of the Blogfather, Crazy Kinux, blog banters are single topics discussed across the EVE blogging community. It encourages the sharing of ideas and cross-pollination of readership. All in all a healthy thing for a community.
Crazy Kinux nurtured the Blog Banters at Crazy Kinux's Musing from inception in October 2008 to March 2011.
Following Crazy Kinux's departure from the EVE Blogosphere, stewardship of the Blog Banter concept found a home here at Freebooted from Aug 2011 until May 2013. With a tweak to the traditional format, the individual banters evolved to contribute to a final summary designed to give the reader a broad overview of every blogger's perspective.
In June 2013, I (Seismic Stan) stepped down for various reasons and passed the EVE Blog Banter community initiative on to the capable stewardship of Kirith Kodachi at Inner Sanctum of the Ninveah. Head over there for the latest banter activity..What is a Blog Banter?
A blog banter is an event where a topic is presented to all EVE bloggers and they can choose to write about if they want in any style they choose. Then, on the main Blog Banter page on this website where the topic is presented I will link all contributing posts that include the Blog Banter header text and link back to the page. This allows for a communication on a single topic and a sharing of readership and ideas through a cross section of the player-base.
Here are the previous blog banters:
April 2015 - BB63 - Customization
February 2015 - BB62: ReIncarnated
What is and/or should be the future for walking in stations?
December 2014 - BB61: Origin State
What would we encourage ALL new players to do in their first month to get them to subscribe long term, if we had to give out one set of advice for everyone (which we do if we're giving general advice)?
November 2014 - BB60: Measuring Success
With Phoebe about to land, CSM Minutes now out, and more of CCP Seagull's vision from Eve Vegas it appears CCP has a bold roadmap, is making big changes, and is willing to take a hit in the short term to see it through. What do you see as the measurable signs that will tell us that they've succeeded? What outcome will we see as players? Is it concurrent player count or something else?
October 2014 - BB59: Terrain
August-September 2014 - BB58: Money
Where is the line to be drawn when a service attempts to monetize in order to offset costs and/or make a profit? Is asking for donations in Real Life cash too far (I realize CCP considers it unacceptable right now)? Selling non-EVE trademarked goods acceptable? Asking for money to pay for efforts in setting up EVE meetups? Should these all be scrutinized?
June 2014 - BB57: Understanding
What (if any) responsibility do veterans players have in finding these players and instructing them on the finer arts of ship fitting? If it exists, does it extend beyond them into teaching PvP skills, ISK making skills, market skills, social skills, life skills...
May 2014 - BB56: Upheaval
The common wisdom in EVE Online is that, beyond the odd high-value moon or Faction Warfare scam, there's little in low sec or NPC null sec to the attract ongoing attention of the big-dogs of null sec, with their large fleets and super cap doctrines. It's assumed that NPC space simply isn't worth the bother of controlling even if one could control it.
Is this about to change?
April 2014 - BB55: Famous or Infamous
Write about somebody who is "space famous" and why you hate/admire them, somebody who isn't space famous but you think should be or will be, or discuss space fame in general, what it means, and how people end up so famous.
March 2014 - BB54: Heroes
Do classic heroes exist in EVE? Is such heroism even possible in EVE? How would you go about being one without opening yourself wide open to scams? Is the nature of the game so dark that heroes can't exist? How do you deal with that irony? What effect does this have on us and the psyche of new players coming in from other MMOs? Is it something special that we don't have classic heroes, or should we? Are our non classic heroes more genuine?
February 2014
BB53: The Overview
The Overview. Is it sufficient? If not how can it be improved? Is there some way to replace it? Does it give too much information, or not enough? Please be creative and specific as the overview currently is the heartbeat of the GUI.
Janurary 2014
BB52: The Other Side
For the past four and a half years, the graph has hovered around that 30,000 mark; it is, for all intents and purposes, a plateau. But everything must come to an end sooner or later and that is what this blog banter is about. What's on the other side of that plateau?
November / December 2013
BB51: The Shakes
EVE Online can be a game of heart-pounding, palm-sweating, adrenaline-fueled ecstasy or agony. Sometimes over the years those reactions dim and what was once a panic inducing situation becomes commonplace routine. For some, the shakes never go away.
October 2013
BB50: Changes
With the Rubicon expansion being announced and the SOMER Blink scandals (or non-scandals depending on your point of view) that have erupted on the community at the same time, it truly feels like an age of EVE has passed and a new one is dawning.
September 2013
BB49: Rich
What is "rich" in EVE? Is it simply having more ISK than most everyone else, is it measured in raw numbers of some other ethereal quality? Can you actually be poor? Have you ever lost nearly everything and had to claw your way back? If you are rich, how do you know and how did you get rich?
August 2013
BB48: Lore
How important is “fluff” in Eve online? Would eve online be the same if it were purely numbers and mechanics, or are the fictional elements important to the enjoyment of the game?
July 2013
BB47: Knowledge
Is EVE too complex for one person to know everything? Is it, in fact, too complex for one person to know everything about one topic?
SUMMARY BY Snipereagle1
April 2013

BB46: The Main Event
How can prime fiction live events work alongside the day-to-day player-driven narrative?
SUMMARY BY Flying Silent
March 2013

BB45: Propaganda
The art of manipulation is a staple of the EVE metagame. The banter community chews over the concept.
February 2013

The divisive topic of the local chat channel falls under the sights of the banteratti and is requested as a Blog Banter by community members.
January 2013

BB43: Celebrating the Nation of EVE
Kicking off the new Eden New Year and the start of the awards season by applauding our peers and embarrassing our enemies.

More Blog Banters at Freebooted Blog.
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ReplyDeleteBlog banter #47 is at http://www.ninveah.com/2013/07/blog-banter-47.html
ReplyDeleteWhen this page is updated with it, please feel free to delete unnecessary comments by certain members of the self-proclaimed peanut gallery.
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