"Ok Bill, we know you want us to ask so... what the heck is the Ninveah?"
I'm glad you asked!
You see, it started over 15 years ago when I got into playing Warhammer 40K. Eldar and Chaos were my two armies and after 10 years of concentrating on Eldar I started to really work on my Chaos to the point where it became my main army. As the obsession grew in, I got into Epic and Battlefleet Gothic in a big way.
Battlefleet Gothic is basically a recreation of the create age of sail in space 40,000 years in the future. Massive kilometre-long ships ponderously duelling long range battles of apocalyptic proportions... for a guy that grew up on Star Trek and Star Wars fantasies it really appealed.
So I was collecting a Chaos fleet for my Black Storm renegade marines and I needed a flagship. A big flagship. Something terrifying. I settled on the largest of the Chaos ships that were not called Planetkiller, the Despoiler battleship. Its a super-carrier that puts the fear of god into most opponents.
I wanted a cool name, something biblical perhaps. I was going for "Nineveh" but in my usual lazy-assed fashion I just wung it (winged it?) and settled on Ninveah (pronounced Nin-Vee-Ah) which coincidently appears to be an alternate spelling for Nineveh sometimes on the internet. Who knew?
Here is the flagship Ninveah Despoiler Class battleship:

(Click to Embiggen)
Hence my blog, which was originally just a Warhammer blog, was titled after the inner-most spaces of this impressive flagship.
When I started Eve, I decided early on that my favourite BFG ship would be reborn in New Eden so right from the beginning, years ago, I knew someday I would have a Chimera class carrier and its name would be Ninveah.
Of course, I'm month from flying one but dammit, I'll own it!
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