Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Thoughts On Hybrid Changes II - Blaster Battleships

One thing that was brought up in response to my post yesterday about the sniper HACs is that ships should not all be equal in every role for every faction, and in that regard I agree. The goal should not be parity but be competitiveness. The problem currently as it stands is that rail ships are never a realistic option in sniping configurations due to the problems of high fitting reqs, anemic damage, low alpha, etc and if these are addressed in a reasonable fashion than maybe Gallente/Caldarthei the hybitrd ships can be considered in some roles where their advantages can be useful.

Anyway, on to battleships.

There are four tech I battleships with bonuses for hybrid weapons but the Dominix has never been considered a solely hybrid platform due to its drone capabilities, so we're going to ignore it today. Instead we'll concentrate on the tier 2 Megathron and tier 3 Hyperion and Rokh battleships.u

Current State

First we are going to assume a standard role and similar setup of best tech II blasters (Neutron Blaster Cannon IIs) and three tech II damage mods. We will not discount drones in our analysis but they will not be included in the DPS numbers. We will not compare tanking in this exercise as our purpose is more to measure the effects of the proposed changes. For comparision purposes, the Amarr will put forth a similar pulse Abaddon and the Minmatar will present an autocannon Maelstrom .the

Ship with faction ammo Range Falloff DPS Alpha Tracking (radians/sec) Tracking (m/s at optimal) Tracking (m/s at optimal+falloff) Tracking (m/s at 10 km)
Megathron 4.5 13 935 4054 0.07442 335 1,302 744
Hyperion 4.5 13 1322 4633 0.05412 244 947 541
Rokh 6.8 13 1013 3707 0.05412 368 1,072 541
Abaddon 15 10 916 3971 0.04219 633 1,055 422
Maelstrom 3 24 878 2854 0.054 162 1,458 540
Ship with Tech II ammo Range Falloff DPS Alpha Tracking (radians/sec) Tracking (m/s at optimal) Tracking (m/s at optimal+falloff) Tracking (m/s at 20 km)
Megathron 11 16 745 3231 0.05582 614 1,507 1,116
Hyperion 11 cy by 1105 3693 0.04059 446 1,096 812
Rokh 17 16 840 2954 0.04059 690 1,339 812
Abaddon 45 10 730 3165 0.03164 1,424 1,740 633
Maelstrom 6 36 700 2275 0.0405 243 1,701 810

So, what do those numbers mean? Well, the tracking is the big thing with blasters and the reason why is this: at optimal range with highest damage ammo a battleship sized target with just an afterburner or a MWD with one regular web will move too fast in transversal speed for your weapons to hit it. At optimal plus falloff you have better tracking transversal but fighting in falloff means your hits are missing 50% of the time anyways.

The Abaddon with its big optimal range with Imperial Multifrequency means its lower tracking number is not as much as a problem unless the enemy closes range, while the Maelstrom's big falloff range alleviates some pain (not to mention its ability to switch damage types and not use capacitor).

When we looks at Tech II ranged ammo, the situation is slightly better due to the boost in optimal range, but you still need a web or two to bring target's speed down in order to be able to track them. For an example, a Maelstrom with a Tech II MWD moves 835 meters/sec so that at 20 km the Rokh and Hyperion will have trouble tracking it (as well as fighting in falloff).

So what do the numbers look like with a 20% boost to tracking? Well, assuming my math is correct we get the following numbers:

Ship with faction ammo Range Falloff DPS Alpha Tracking (radians/sec) Tracking (m/s at optimal) Tracking (m/s at optimal+falloff) Tracking (m/s at 10 km)
Megathron 4.5 13 935 4054 0.089304 402 1,563 893
Hyperion 4.5 13 1322 4633 0.064944 292 1,137 649
Rokh 6.8 13 1013 3707 0.064944 442 1,286 649
Abaddon 15 10 916 3971 0.04219 633 1,055 422
Maelstrom 3 24 878 2854 0.054 162 1,458 540

Ship with Tech II ammo Range Falloff DPS Alpha Tracking (radians/sec) Tracking (m/s at optimal) Tracking (m/s at optimal+falloff) Tracking (m/s at 20 km)
Megathron 11 16 745 3231 0.066984 737 1,809 1,340
Hyperion 11 16 1105 3693 0.048708 536 1,315 974
Rokh 17 16 840 2954 0.048708 828 1,607 974
Abaddon 45 10 730 3165 0.03164 1,424 1,740 633
Maelstrom 6 36 700 2275 0.0405 243 1,701 810

What the impact looks to be is that the blaster battleships, especially the Megathron, will have a better chance at tracking other battleships, but will probably still need webs on target bring its transversal speed down to the large blaster cannons ability to track. So now the question is how much impact the agility and base speed improvement will have on the three vessels and if that will allow the short ranged blaster ships to get in range more easily.


  1. Hmmm

    what I see is that in comparison to the blaster boats and the Abaddon, the maelstrom sucks.

    Out alpha'd, out dps'd, out tracked at optimal by a huge margin

  2. Don't forget tunable damage... if you're firing DPS into a 35% resist hole versus an 85% bullet proof vest, that in itself will make a huge difference.

    OMG - am I actually saying Minmatar pilots are smarter....? Or just that they have to be?

  3. Although switchable damage types can be an advantage, it only really helps if you load the right ammo prior to a fight. If you get jumped by a shield ship and you had fusion loaded you are generally going to be screwed.

  4. So you're saying that a Megathron cannot track another Battleship MWDing at 15km? Wow, that's a pretty impressive amount of misinformation coming out of a single sentence....

  5. Since I can't edit my previous comment, here's why:

    MWDs increase your signature radius. Increasing signature radius = easier to hit. Due to this, you can track an MWDing Battlecruiser at 15km with Lasers with absolutely no problem.

  6. The signature of a target is used to compare with the singature resolution of the weapon. As far as I understand it, tracking is not impacted by signature of the target but I will double check my assertion today or tomorrow.


  8. the signature of a target impacts the targeting tremendously otherwise you'd have bs popping frigates all day long.
