That's right, someone is slagging my Caldari ships! Saying they are all ugly!
The Rokh is the epitome of fierce solid block of whoop-ass:
(Pssssst CCP: Where is my +25m3 drone space?)
The Merlin / Harpy / Hawk are true awesome looking ships:

In my opinion, the best looking frigs in the game.
The Ferox looks mean and solid as a rock. I love the look of flying this beast and I can't wait for the Nighthawk and Vulture:

The Caracal has a sleek hunter look to it, low to the ground and stalking its prey:

And five launchers of DPS too!
The Cormorant harkens to the Ferox and looks like a light Destroyer should:

The Raven actually looking like a swooping Raven, descending from the heavens to deliver the death to below:

Don't get me started on how beautiful the Chimera is. It is the flagship of my blog after all:

The Scorpion suffers from lack of symmetry but once you get past that conception it really is a cool looking sci fi vessel:
And the Moa... well... ok, the Moa is a monstrousity. I'll grant you that.
But it does grow on you after a while. The raptorous arch of the bridge, the solid block of a body.
I love the look of the Caldari fleet. Only the Osprey and Leviathan puts me off.
When I look at the Rokh, there is only one phrase I can think of: 'This... is my Boom-Stick!'
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a fan of the look of the Blackbird/Falcon either.
ReplyDeleteWell I'll agree with you on the Rokh, Ferox, Merlin, Cormie and the Chimera, but the rest well.... I'll take Amarr ships over them any day.
I always thought the proboscis on the Raven was more like an insect than a bird - an annoying blood sucking insect that you swat with impunity.
ReplyDeleteBut if you want ugly, you can't beat the Vigil (http://wiki.eveonline.com/w/images/4/44/Vigil1.jpg). The Cheetah used to look like that, but then CCP showed mercy and changed it.
Well, the Probe hull isn't so much of a win either...
ReplyDeleteA ship doesn't have to symmetrical to be beautifull. I'd even go so far to say that a perfectly symmetrical ship(mirrored one side to the other, eg. Hurricane) is uglier then an assymetrical one.
ReplyDeleteA great example of how to make ships look good is HW2 i'd say and Eve does a pretty decent job too, especially the T3 ships pull it off well. (take a look at the heat reducing engineering subsystem of the tengu for instance, that's hawt)
(blargh /rambling)
Don't forget about the Charon/Rhea!
ReplyDeleteThey look very sexeh!